Morning Surprise Message!
Yesterday morning, as I arose from bed, I felt a little tired. It was as though my body and my spirit were weak. I went into the prayer closet , confessing to God, my feelings. Oh! My, I forgot to put on my daily favorite hymn, "Draw Me Nearer ", from Everlasting Joy. I turned on my computer, to play the song, but instead, a message popped up on my screen, "Mere Christianity." (C.S. Lewis) I clicked on it and a voice began speaking very slowly and succinctly. The message was about being tired, losing hope, feeling lost, and unsure, during your closest walk with God. "That would be me!" Wondering if God was hearing my prayers, but knowing that, eventhough, I don't hear anything, knowing somehow, that He is still with me, and answering my every need, silently in the background. The fact that I saw this messsage at that very minute, confirmed what I already knew. God is with me.
You have probably been in that place at one time or another. You know God and His word are there with you, echoing in the background, "Be still and know that I am God." (Isaiah 46:10) Somehow, this just reminded me of the affirmation of faith, that God gave me for Springhill Community Church of the Living God , Byron, GA, in September, 2013:
Jesus Christ Son of the living God, is the Head of this House (My Life), and He has the power and authority to change the direction of this service, (My Life) whenever, however, and by using whomever, He so pleases. God is in His Holy Temple.
My body is His temple (I Corinthians 6:19-20), and He is always, living and breathing inside of me, orchestrating my life, through His Spirit, in prayer, His word, and His people. Thank You Jesus! Thank you Lord!
What about ypurs?