The "L" could stand for the heavy "load", you are carrying! Drop it!
Has anyone gotten the New Year's "Bog",yet? Well, I have! We get all excited about the new year saddled with all of our hopes, dreams, resolutions, and promises, and before we know it, it is here, and we are so "bogged" down, that we can"t even "Blog!". We find ourselves carrying over the same baggage that we had, last year into the new year. Now, we have added more weight to to our daily load. More junk!
Stop! Breathe! Exhalel! Drop it! Let it Go! Get rid of it! You don"t have to carry it!
Give it to Jesus!
Come to Me, all you who are heavy laden , and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon me and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart. Matthew 11:28