Brighten the Corner Where you are!
Again, another thought-provoking question comes to mind, (I King 19:9) ,"What are you doing here? The question can receive many different answers, depending on where emphasis is placed. For instance, "What" are you doing here? Another might ask, What are "you" doing here? And then another might even ask , "What are you doing, here?
This morning, I want to ponder, all three, "What" are "you", doing "here."
I chose all three because at this point in my life, I find myself in all three places wondering what am I doing here? What am I doing here at this very place, at this very hour? Only God knows! I sought the Lord for an answer, and I asked like the psalmist King David, I said, speedily, Lord! Many say that you cannot hurry God, but I say, you can ask him to hurry.
Now, this question is for you, "What are you doing, here?